March 8, 2006

The Daily Show and Colbert Report in the iTunes Music Store

Filed under: General,Technology — Cory @ 5:25 pm

Apparently The Daily Show and The Colbert Report are now available through the iTunes Music Store. This is great news for me since I love these shows but I do not subscribe to cable television.

With all the content now available through iTunes, its becoming more tempting to get a Mac Mini for my living room. I have a Griffin radio SHARK so I can listen to and record KSYM and KSTX through the computer, and I can use my Airport Express to stream music to an iPod HiFi in my bedroom. And with the remote that comes with the Mini and the HiFi, I can control all of this from the couch or anywhere.

So tempting… :)

• • •


  1. If it were in a format without DRM, that worked on Linux, I’d buy it. Or even if it were just streaming, I probably would. But the format is a show-stopper. That’s why I buy my music from — it’s the right file format.

    BTW, I picked up a HD841 — they can be tweaked to get around DRM on DVD’s. Sweet.

    Comment by Ken — March 8, 2006 @ 9:16 pm
  2. Good luck finding anyone other than a sketchy Russian company with a questionable business model to sell digital content that isn’t DRM’d. I agree that I would prefer these shows in an open format, but since I’m using only Apple anyway it isn’t a big deal.

    Comment by Cory — March 8, 2006 @ 11:48 pm
  3. I prefer the resolution of the various bit torrents that are usually available . . . but that’s kind of hit-or-miss. I’m glad Apple’s having success with the video thing.

    Now if they’d just let me burn the damn shows to DVD, I’d be ecstatic.

    Comment by David — March 10, 2006 @ 12:47 pm
  4. True, although streaming video is an option — like Google’s flash-based player with better video and sound synchronized better.

    Besides, allofmp3′s no more scetchy than any random American company. The found a legal loophole and they’re exploiting it for profit — what’s more American than that? :)

    Comment by Ken — March 10, 2006 @ 1:20 pm

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