May 26, 2006

Scammers Scamming Spammers

Filed under: General — Cory @ 12:20 am

I saw this yesterday, and it got me thinking about spam again.

I understand that legislation can do nothing to stop spammers from sending out their love. But what I have never understood, is why it isn’t illegal to contract the services of a spammer. I mean, these spam messages are advertising products and services from businesses (sketchy, sleezy, or otherwise), and every message provides a way to contact them. They would eventually just move somewhere that it wasn’t illegal, but then who wants to buy their C / A L / S from some dubious online pharmacy in Nigeria? I guess I don’t really understand the mentality of someone who buys products advertised in spam messages anyway, so who knows, they might buy it anyway.

It just seems like that if there was some consequence for the companies selling the products, rather than the elusive spammers, that we might actually be able to get somewhere.

Spam really isn’t much of a problem for me, and it hasn’t been ever since I began using TMDA about 4 years ago. I’ve seen greylisting do wonderful things as well.

I don’t think its cool that those scammers are stealing innocent peoples credit cards, but I do think its funny that the sleezy businesses who spam are getting the shaft.

• • •

1 Comment »

  1. Gosh, I really don’t want to derail your post, which has a very valid point. But did you intentionally use the phrase, “the shaft” in the same post that’s talking about c1alis?

    If so, it’s funny. If not… even funnier!

    Comment by ian — May 26, 2006 @ 12:31 am

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