December 20, 2006

5 Things You Didn’t Know

Filed under: General — Cory @ 2:22 am

Eliot listed his “5 things” and then tagged me to do the same. So, here are 5 things that people probably don’t know about me.

  • I play the harmonica in my truck when I drive long distances.
  • I have known how to weld since I was around 12 years old.
  • I love shapes, all shapes. When I walk around my eyes pick out shapes in everything around me. Without even thinking about it, my brain is always calculating angles, I am looking for parallel or perpendicular lines, or even physically adjusting stuff to be properly centered.
  • This might be related to the previous item, but I love even numbers, and dislike odd numbers. 4 is my favorite number, but 8 is good too. Numbers have personalities to me:
    • 3 is red and has a bad temper.
    • 5 is dishonest.
    • 9 might be the only odd number that I actually like.
    • 10 is strong, bold, and protective.
    • 11 is weak.
    • 12 is Roman.
    • 13 is annoying. really annoying.
    • 17 is boring.
    • 19 is sinister.
    • 24 is young, versatile, and lively.
    • 39 is circular and somewhat feminine. (these aren’t reasons to dislike this odd number, though)

    You get the point.

  • I spent the first 2 years of my college career as an economics major, which I really enjoyed.

I don’t typically do this sort of thing, but in continuing with the tradition, I’ll tag Jason, Ken, Chris, Todd and Nathan. I expect 1 in 5 will actually follow through.

• • •


  1. hey dude – i am disappointed that i didn’t make your list… well… not really :-)

    send me an email when you have a chance.


    Comment by ian — December 20, 2006 @ 12:37 pm
  2. Here goes:

    * I can blow spit bubbles off my tongue (works great when you are on the second floor at a mall)
    * I can throw a mean deck of cards (even got em stuck in a wooden door frame and cut my friend’s elbow on accident)
    * I’d rather use a spoon to eat my food than any other utensil
    * I floss while driving
    * My favorite class in college was ballroom dancing

    Comment by choerizo — January 3, 2007 @ 12:46 am

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