Pray For Rain, or, Why Religion and Politics Shouldn’t Mix
I could talk for hours about why I think religion should stay out of politics (my coworkers can attest to this). The guy below asked people to pray for rain during the Democratic National Convention. I guess he thinks God favors one political party over the other.
In fact, the weather was pretty much perfect for the DNC.
Maybe all those prayers were delayed, or maybe it’s punishment for all the jerks who felt it was a worthy thing to pray for. Either way, it was funny to learn that the first day of the Republican National Convention has been delayed due to really bad weather, Hurricane Gustav that is. Maybe they should start praying for lower gas prices, instead.
Republican Party, please stop making it hard for me to like you. I want to support you, really. Please sever that evangelical arm and focus on what the party is actually supposed to be about. You know, things like limited government, conservative spending, etc.
I could almost like McCain if he were younger (click that) and not so war-hungry. But his VP pick, Sarah Palin, really bugs me, and here’s why:
- She does not accept evolutionary theory (maybe she also rejects the theory of gravity?)
- She opposes funding stem cell research
- She supports teaching Creationism in public schools as an alternative theory to evolution
- She opposes birth control pills and condoms even among married couples
- She opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest
She takes all of these stances in the name of religious extremism. Contrary to what many believe, the United States was not founded as a Christian nation. In fact, quite the opposite. The only mention of religion in the constitution by the founding fathers is that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . .” The founding fathers were wise men. They knew how things play out when there is an official state religion. Religion and politics do not mix well.
For example, after pressure from evangelical groups, Bush has proposed to change the definition of abortion to include birth control. Birth control is abortion? Apparently, if you support evangelical politics. This is what we get when religious ideology guides our politicians.
Religion is fine and dandy, but imposing your beliefs on others is not. Religion should be a personal matter. People seem to think it is fine for a Christian politician to make Christian laws. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world, including the U.S. There are now two Muslim congressmen, and there will be more, which is fine since everyone should be represented. But I wonder, how will evangelicals react to faith-based legislation when it’s introduced by a Muslim politician?
McCain is 72 and already has a history of health problems. His father and grandfather were both dead by 72. If he goes, Palin takes over. Honestly, I think it would be great for a woman to be president because she’d be less likely to be in a good-ole-boys club and would probably have a better chance of making the big changes that need to happen in Washington. But Palin just is too much. I give it to her, she’s committed to her stances, it’s just that I strongly disagree with much of what she supports.
Ugh, don’t get me started…
I had an elaborate response to this, but decided to delete it, because I’m too busy to discuss the matter right now.
Maybe I’ll come back after school starts on Tuesday.
Comment by Shawn Powers — August 31, 2008 @ 7:28 pmBut damn she is hot!
Comment by Tate — September 5, 2008 @ 8:35 amHow do you feel about Joe Biden saying it was his Catholic beliefs that people should pay more taxes?
Comment by bob — September 19, 2008 @ 8:53 pmBob, I think the post makes it perfectly clear how I feel about it.
This wasn’t an endorsement of any particular political party — I consider myself a political independent. However, lately the Republican party has been willing to completely sell itself out in order to get the evangelical voter base. This brings religion into politics, a place it isn’t supposed to be in America.
No candidate should favor legislation based on religious beliefs.
Comment by Cory — September 20, 2008 @ 10:40 am